Hassle Free HR – Bullying and Harassment Management

Bullying and harassment in the workplace can take many different forms. It may be quite blatant and involve verbal or physical abuse, or it may be more subtle and involve exclusion, rumours, unfair treatment or overbearing supervision. Whatever form it does take, it may be discriminatory, i.e. it may relate to a ‘protected characteristic’ in line with the Equality Act 2010, which includes age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

An employee is protected from discrimination which relates to a ‘protected characteristic’ if they themselves possess the characteristic, are perceived to possess the characteristic or associate with someone who has or is perceived to have a protected characteristic.

As an employer you have a responsibility to ensure that your working environment is one which is healthy and safe, free from any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination.

Hassle Free HR recommend that you have a policy in place which clearly sets out how you will manage and deal with any claims of bullying, harassment or discrimination.

Hassle Free HR can produce a tailored policy for you which will provide you with a legal framework for managing and dealing with any such claims. Hassle Free HR can also support you by providing you with expert advice and guidance, should an issue arise. Alternatively, we can manage this process for you and conduct an objective investigation aimed at identifying the root cause of the problem.

For further information, please contact [email protected]